‘Chocolate and Book’ Box Unboxing

My first ever Book Box has arrived!

I couldn’t be more excited.

No, excited is not even the right word. Bewitched.

Yes, I am bewitched!


I’ve been thinking about subscribing to a book box for at least a year now. What held me back were mostly two things:

  1. What if I wouldn’t like the book? (and yet, the surprise element is critical here, there’s no point in simply choosing a book, that’s simple book buying, the way I’ve been doing it ever since I bought my first book at 5)
  2. Which box do I subscribe to? Like, what goods do I want to get with the book?

A hard decision was this one to make, as silly as that sounds.

At the end, I decided what I wanted was a cosy, hot beverage drinking, chocolate eating, blanket hugging experience – so I subscribed to ‘Chocolate and Book Box’(they ship internationally).

It arrived super-fast!

When the package arrived, I hadn’t yet expected it to come at all!

Because of the pandemie there were a warning on the site that said there can be delays in the delivery, it’s even possible that later they will have to postpone sending out the upcoming boxes.

And yet… it arrived the day after shipping! To another country!

I subscribed to the ‘Surprise’ option, regarding tthe genre, because I felt like I don’t really have an emphasized preference. I don’t want to get a book of one single genre every month, I want diversity!

So, I was excited to find out what kind of book had been sent to me.

The inside of my surprise box

A cosy little box, isn’t it? With my book came three portions of hot chocolate, a couple of cookies, a chocolate and a bookmark. And how sweet is that little bow on the book?

The cholcolate is from a small company,

not from a huge multi, and in these times I find that even more important than ever.

This slow process of unboxing, of figuring out what I’ve received, the fun of getting a surprise gift – from myself, but the surprise element is real – made me an instant addict of this kind of book buying.

This is amazing, why haven’t I done this before?

And the book…

‘Diary of a Somebody’, written by Brian Bilston.

I couldn’t be happier!

According to the description, it’s a mixture of mystery, romance and humor, it’s about a writer (poet), and there’s a cat on the cover! It’s beautiful.

(Here’s the Goodreads page if you’d like to learn more: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/44306606-diary-of-a-somebody!)

I cant’t wait to read it and tell you guys about it!

Have you already read this book?

Are you subscribed to a book box? Which one?

Let’s discuss, I’m so excited!

Take care!

Hugs 🙂

5 thoughts on “‘Chocolate and Book’ Box Unboxing

  1. Ooo this looks like a great box. I love chocolate and discovering new brands, and I’d be very happy with the book too! I really need to check this out! I try to order one box per year and I have tried The Bookworm box (romance), Page Habit (several genres, a bit more expensive but worth it and Blind Date With a Book (several genres, only a book, not expensive but the books were not really recent ones so already read one and not very eager to read the other). Thanks for your post!


    1. For some reason your comment went to spam… sorry, that’s why my answer comes a little late!
      If you look for books that are recently released, this box would be a great choice for you! They try to select relatively new releases. And there’s several genre to choose from, too. And, chocolate. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

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